Forms of business

Although there are several forms of businesses in Estonia, the private limited company (osaühing or OÜ in Estonian) is the most common form of business in Estonia.

The advantages of the private limited company:

  • simple and quick registration;
  • a relatively low share capital requirement (2500 euros);
  • shareholders have no personal proprietary liability for the private limited company’s obligations.

From 01.01.2011 a private limited company can be established without contributing the share capital if the proposed area of activity does not require capital investments. The share capital of such a company will be formed by the liabilities of the founders amounting to the sum they promised to provide as share capital contribution. However, the downside is that up to the moment the share capital will be paid in, several restrictions, to companies founded without the share capital contribution, apply. To avoid that and to avoid the obligation to pay in the stock capital minimum, you can buy a company off the shelf.

In Estonia it´s quite common to purchase a ready made company instead of founding one. After executing sales and purchase transaction at the notary, you can immediately start to act on behalf of the company obtained. The companies on sale are usually made for selling purposes only and have no previous activity. This fact and the fact of the absence of debts or any liabilities will be stated in the notarized purchase agreement.

Upon buying a company there is no need to pay the share capital (2500 €) to the bank account, because the capital has already been paid in by the seller.

All the companies we have on sale have a registry number and some of the companies on sale have a valid VAT ID number and EORI number. It is also possible to get a VAT ID registration or an EORI number with our help. You can turn to us with a request to purchase a company with previous trading history as well.

To proceed with the company purchase please fill the following form.

If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact us!

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